Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sneak peek of future victims!

A rather epic body score from Tuesday Morning. Now to decide on colors for these girls!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Website temporarily down

The nameservers (whatever they are) were just updated, so my site should be back up in a day or two. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Yikes! I really did not mean to let nearly a year pass between updates. The last year has kept me very busy, but I have been working steadily on commissions, and I am now nearly finished with all of my backlog. I am thrilled to say the least! :)

Updates on commissions in progress can be found here as usual:

I've also started a Facebook page for my studio where I will post updates, pix of new pieces, etc. Facebook seems to be the most popular venue these days, but I plan to post my updates to my Yahoo Group and this blog as well.

And last but not least, while I haven't had much to blog about here, I have been posting relatively regularly to my new Model Horse Collectibility blog. It's geared toward collectibility showing and judging, a passion of mine.